How to Check Time Spent on Facebook and Instagram

There are a lot of things that Facebook track and record any time you go on Facebook. Time spent on Facebook is one of them. How well do you manage your time daily on Facebook? Do you use it to stay in touch with your friends and families or you use it to watch videos, play games or connect with your business partners and customers?

To be fruitful on social media and spending your time well, you need to know how much time you spend on social media especially Facebook since it is the biggest social media platform now. Facebook has become an addiction for some people that they can spend their whole day there chatting, watching videos and pictures and even playing games.

This write up is to show you the procedures involve to check your time spent on Facebook and Instagram so as to know how to plan and manage your time well.

How do you check the time spent on Facebook?

Checking the time spent on Facebook is very simple. Just follow the procedure below to check the time spent on Facebook.

1. Log into your Facebook app account with your account details. Then on the down right corner tap on the three stripes.

Time spent on Facebook Kaetech digital

2. Then scroll down and tap on Settings & Privacy to open the Settings and Privacy options.

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3. When the settings and privacy options open, tap on Your Time on Facebook to check the time spent on Facebook.

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4. Now check the time you spend on Facebook day by day. From Monday to Friday. Do you spend it well by being productive or you just spend it by entertaining yourself.

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The above picture shows the time spent throughout the week and how you can manage your time and make the most of your time on Facebook.

How to check time spent on Instagram

Instagram is the daughter or son of Facebook so you can as well check your time spent on Instagram too. Instagram have an alarm feature that you can set to the specific time you want to remind you of you daily of how much time you have spent on Instagram. You can also set the notifications and posts you want to respond to.

To check the time spent on Instagram, do the following:

1. Head to your Instagram app and log in with your credentials.

2. In the home screen tap on your small profile picture at the down right corner.

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3. After that, tap on the three stripes on the top right corner in your profile to open the Instagram menu options.

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4. In the menu options, tap on ‘Your Activity’ to open your activity on Instagram for the whole week.

Time spent on Facebook Kaetech digital

5. You can view your time spent during the week on Instagram and also set your daily time limits or reminders.

Time spent on Facebook Kaetech digital

In Conclusion

Social media platforms are key places to meet potential customers and business partners. Don’t just spend your time on videos, pictures and games. Instead use the platform to connect with people of like business minds to create a profitable business for yourself.

Businesses can also act on the massive big data of social media to meet potential customers and increase firm performance.